Friday, 10 May 2013

Wild Garlic - Get It While You Can

Every year I get in a tizz about wild garlic. I'm never sure which plant it is and when it should be picked, and which is the best bit, etc. I'm so scared I'll get it wrong, in case I end up eating the leaf equivalent of the Death Cap mushroom, I leave the whole business too late. This year I was determined to bring home the bacon. 
Because spring has sprung so late this year, my indecision period is shorter than ever, but I think that's helped. What I hadn't worked out in previous years, is that wild garlic changes when it flowers. Before the flowers it has broad dark green leaves. What seems to happen when it flowers, is that the dark green leaves die back and the lighter narrower leaf that the flower's been growing in separates from the flower and becomes a leaf. This is my understanding of proceedings, but would be grateful for any clarification. Here are my evidential pics. 
What I have read is to pick the garlic before it flowers. And what I've discovered is, to use the leaves on the day of picking. More of that to follow.

Dark leaves before the flowers

Starting to Flower

 Fully Flowered

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