Thursday, 22 October 2015

Candida Safe Bread

I recently undertook a candida elimination diet, which involved cutting out all sugar from my diet. It was painful. I couldn't even eat carrots as these were considered too sugary! All fruit was off the table, along with gluten and yeast.
I developed this bread recipe over a few weeks, and it can be adapted further according to taste. The basic recipe came from 'The Candida Free Cookbook', which was my bible throughout the diet, but I like to think I've improved it a lot!

Candida Safe Bread

60g almond flour
40g ground almonds
100g buckwheat flour
50g gram flour
50g quinoa flour
60g sunflower seeds
50g poppy seeds
1tsp sea salt
2tsp baking powder
2 tbsp coconut oil
2 large eggs
3 tbsp plain live yogurt
1 grated courgette
Milk of choice. I use gold top, but if you're fighting candida use coconut.

Grease and line either one 2lb loaf tin, or 2 1lb loaf tins.


Turn the oven on to gas mark 3.
Mix all the flours together with the seeds, salt and baking powder in a food mixer.
Add the coconut oil and combine.
With the mixer running, add the eggs, courgette and yogurt. Add enough milk to create a sticky mixture. These flours absorb a lot of liquid, so wait a minute or two and you may want to add more milk.
Pour into the prepared tin/s and bake in the centre of the oven until the top is golden brown and an inserted knife comes out cleanish.
Cool on a wired rack and then wrap and store in the fridge.

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